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A Look At How We Are Doing In June

We continue to be impressed with the hard work and dedication of our subscribers! The following is a description of the data collected to date on All users who have completed at least 5 weeks of the program were included. However, the further along in weeks, the fewer people are included as not as many people have completed 12 weeks of the program .

In looking at the Average Hairs Pulled per Week, there continues to be a steady decrease in pulling, more pronounced for the first 3 weeks of use. At week 1 the average number of hair pulled is 306, while by week 3 the average across these same users is 143. People are, on average, cutting their pulling in half by the third week of use. This trend continues over time through the first 3 months of use, then levels out.. Beyond 12 weeks there was not enough data to report meaningful averages, but we will continue to track and report each month.

One thing we have been especially interested in is the urge severity ratings. All users rate the severity of their urge on a scale from 0-4 (0 = very low urge, 4 = very strong urge) each time they log an urge or pulling episode. In Module II, users log severity ratings both before and after use of a coping strategy. If indeed the coping strategies are effective, we would see a drop in urge severity from pre- to post- use of a strategy. If you look at the chart below you will see two lines. The blue line represents the average Severity of Urge before using a coping strategy and the pink line represents the Severity of Urge after using a coping strategy. The points on each line represent average severity ratings across all users for the first 12 weeks of use. This chart illustrates how, on average, user’s urges are decreasing in severity after use of the coping strategies.

Another area of interest is the average number of hairs pulled the week before Intervention and the week following Intervention to determine if the use of coping strategies seems to be helping people pull less. The average number of hairs pulled the week prior to Intervention was 153, while it drops to 105 the week following Intervention. There is a 32% drop in hair pulling from before to after utilizing coping strategies.

In sum, it seems that people are benefiting from the use of in that their hair pulling is decreasing over time and their urges are becoming less severe with the use of specific coping strategies. Our next step will be to apply statistical analyses to these data, as larger numbers of users across 12 weeks are needed. Check in next month to read about how is doing!


About Trichotillomania  

People with hair loss due to pulling tend to avoid certain activities such as professional hair cuts, swimming, sports, intimate sexual encounters, and windy or well-lit places.


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