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How many people have trich:

  • 1.5% of males and 3.4% of females in a college sample reported significant hair pulling resulting in bald patches at some point in their lives (Christenson et al, 1991)
  • 15.3 % of participants in another study reported pulling for "non-grooming" purposes, without creating bald spots (Stanley, Borden, Bell & Wagner, 1994),
  • 10% of subjects in another study reported non-cosmetic hair pulling on a regular basis (Rothbaum, Shaw, Morris, & Ninan, 1993).
  • Overall estimates of people who pull their hair to any extent for non-grooming purposes are likely between 3 and 15% of the population.
  • Learn more about...

    What is trichotillomania or "trich"?
    How many people have trich:
    How does trich begin?
    Who pulls out their hair?
    The facts about pulling
    Problems hair pulling can cause:
    Trich in history
    Why do people pull out their hair?
    How do we treat trich?
    Readiness for Change

    About Trichotillomania  

    People with hair loss due to pulling tend to avoid certain activities such as professional hair cuts, swimming, sports, intimate sexual encounters, and windy or well-lit places.


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